Wednesday, July 22, 2015

God Is In Control

    Today is such a beautiful day but my heart is heavy for all those who are grieving. Is it just me, or has God been calling a lot of young parents Home lately? I must be careful to count my blessings and lift my family and friends up to God instead of dwelling on the pain and grief of this earth. 

   On Sunday our minister reminded us that God is good. He was not asleep when a father drowned on Saturday nor did the angels neglect their duty when a mother lost her life on Monday. God is over all and while we will not understand why He allows some things to come into our lives, we can trust that He can use our circumstances to further His kingdom. 

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   In our human reasoning we cannot understand why mothers get cancer, why a couple who loves children and would make excellent parents, has their foster baby taken and have to work through daunting legal issues to clear their name when they didn't do anything wrong. Why do innocent children have to suffer for their parents choices? Why do the people who try to help them need to choose between keeping their children safe and provoking the wrath of CYS?

   Some of these things we will never understand this side of heaven but we can rest in the thought that God is on His throne and He is alive and well. He hasn't forgotten, He hasn't turned a blind eye and He most certainly hears our prayers. 

     It is these hard experiences that deepen our relationship with our Father. They strengthen us and each us to truly rest, knowing God is faithful. He doesn't leave is children when the going get's hard.     
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    There is something about reaching that place,  where you suddenly know this is the end of the road. There is nothing left and your very life feels like it is hanging in the balance and then Jesus reaches down and touches you and suddenly the fear is gone and you know that Jesus is all that matters. He can redeem any situation, no matter how hopeless things seem because HE is GOD. 

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