There are as many opinions out there about "labeling" a child, as there are people. Some say do, some say don't. Some say it shame's the child, encourages bullying and causes people to view the child by his diagnosis instead of a child.
I might be wrong but I don't think hiding your child's diagnosis behind a brick wall is going to help anything or anyone, especially if you cannot tell the child has disabilities. Take Joseph for example, he appears healthy, looking at him you wouldn't guess he has a handicap but if you watch him for awhile, you will soon see that he isn't on the same level as his peers.
Joseph will go with anyone who is nice to him, and that scares me. Teaching him "stranger danger" is useless, he doesn't get it for the same reason sarcasm is lost on him. One day one of the children was following me around the house chattering and getting underfoot, so I told them to go fly a kite, jokingly of course. Joseph got all excited...he thought I literally meant to go fly a kite.
Children with FASD are extremely literal. One mom shares the story of teaching her son to cross the street. She explained that you must always stop. look and listen. The she told him to cross the street while she stood nearby to watch. He stopped, looked and listened before he crossed to the opposite side, then turned and ran across without following the rules. When mom asked him why he said, "You never said I have to stop, look and listen when I come back across."
Joseph is a big boy and when we go to places that offer activities for the children, I run into a problem. For instance when we went to Cherry Crest Farm, we went on a small wagon ride. I asked the attendant to help Joseph climb in, he gave me an odd look before helping Joseph climb in the wagon.
Joseph enjoys activities that are designed for children several years younger than himself. Sometimes I simply place him with a younger age group and when I get the raised eyebrow, I either pretend not to notice or try to come up with a suitable explanation. So far Joseph hasn't caught on when people do that but one of these times he will and I want to spare him if possible.
After a mom shared how much less explaining she had to do when her daughter wore her "Alert Me Band," I bought one for Joseph. It will tell the public he has special needs without me having to explain. I also hope it will be a safety measure if he were to get lost or hurt.

Here is the website, so you can buy one for your little one. I didn't have an opportunity to try Joseph's out yet. They are designed to make it difficult for a child to remove them but since I have no experience with such things, I cannot vouch for that aspect of the band.
I might be wrong but I don't think hiding your child's diagnosis behind a brick wall is going to help anything or anyone, especially if you cannot tell the child has disabilities. Take Joseph for example, he appears healthy, looking at him you wouldn't guess he has a handicap but if you watch him for awhile, you will soon see that he isn't on the same level as his peers.
Joseph will go with anyone who is nice to him, and that scares me. Teaching him "stranger danger" is useless, he doesn't get it for the same reason sarcasm is lost on him. One day one of the children was following me around the house chattering and getting underfoot, so I told them to go fly a kite, jokingly of course. Joseph got all excited...he thought I literally meant to go fly a kite.
Children with FASD are extremely literal. One mom shares the story of teaching her son to cross the street. She explained that you must always stop. look and listen. The she told him to cross the street while she stood nearby to watch. He stopped, looked and listened before he crossed to the opposite side, then turned and ran across without following the rules. When mom asked him why he said, "You never said I have to stop, look and listen when I come back across."
Joseph is a big boy and when we go to places that offer activities for the children, I run into a problem. For instance when we went to Cherry Crest Farm, we went on a small wagon ride. I asked the attendant to help Joseph climb in, he gave me an odd look before helping Joseph climb in the wagon.
Joseph enjoys activities that are designed for children several years younger than himself. Sometimes I simply place him with a younger age group and when I get the raised eyebrow, I either pretend not to notice or try to come up with a suitable explanation. So far Joseph hasn't caught on when people do that but one of these times he will and I want to spare him if possible.
After a mom shared how much less explaining she had to do when her daughter wore her "Alert Me Band," I bought one for Joseph. It will tell the public he has special needs without me having to explain. I also hope it will be a safety measure if he were to get lost or hurt.

Here is the website, so you can buy one for your little one. I didn't have an opportunity to try Joseph's out yet. They are designed to make it difficult for a child to remove them but since I have no experience with such things, I cannot vouch for that aspect of the band.
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