
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Candy & Snow Days

How did Thursday arrive so quickly??? I think the snow with school delays and one day spent at home because of it made the week go by faster than usual. I am not complaining as this is my week to drive school children and those weeks tend to drag by.
   Monday we had a 2 hour delay. Tristan was rather upset that school wasn't canceled. He had his wish on tuesday, no school! I spent the morning in the kitchen making Candy Cane and Snickers snack mix and Turtle candy. Tristan babysat and cleaned out my silver ware drawer between scraping the driveway and doing donuts with his four wheeler. I wasn't sure about that latter activity but Tristan didn't think I had any reason to be concerned.




Look what came in the mail yesterday! My Trauma Mama gift!!! A 31 tote, coffee mug, fuzzy socks, Starbucks gift card, journal, book light, bracelet, clock, chocolate and more. The children were a tad jealous and Tristan wondered what I did to get such a gift. :)

Yesterday my mom, sisters and I were together to make candy. Making candy together has become something of a tradition for my family. I put most of ours in the freezer as there are certain people around here, including myself, who cannot leave the stuff alone.

Tomorrow Dean and I are going down to see Braden. I have a package of clothing and goodies to give him. Miss Sharon advised us not to bring treats every time we come so he doesn't associate our visit with gifts versus with relationships. He has begun to heal but has a long way to go and will attach to anyone besides Dean and I. So when he does come home we will keep him close by just as we did before he went to TAP. He is somewhat like a newborn, ready to bond with whomever gives him the most attention. However, attention will still trigger him and so he may still try to push Mom and Dad away and attach to others as they feel safer. He knows better but old "habits" die hard. So please don't be offended when we ask you to keep affection to a minimum until he feels safe with mom and dad. This attachment parenting can be so confusing and so many people have been offended when we do not allow them to hold, hug and cuddle with Braden. Trust me when I say life would be a lot easier for us if we could let Braden give and receive affection from others. Until he heals and fully bonds with us, he needs to get all affection from mom and dad only.

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