
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Life At Our House

Now that we have turned another calendar page, I am hoping warm weather isn't to far away. I usually don't have heavy blankets and fuzzy sheets on our beds at this time of year but every time I think it is about warm enough to pack them away for another year, we get a cold spell and I let them on for another week. There are signs that spring is here: the woods are "turning green," there are less than 20 days of school left in the term and the grass is growing. Kiana has been begging to get the pool out. She came inside the other day and with her nose red from the cold, announced that it is warm enough to go swimming.
    Last Monday Tristan got braces. He was excited about getting them but with in a few hours was ready to have them taken off again. He was grumbling about all the metal junk he has in his mouth. Dean told him the braces cost a lot more than junk and he had better take care of them. He has already adjusted to them and accepts them as part of life. He got yellow and green bands on his braces as he is a John Deere fan.

  This past week was spent working on our family room. The carpet we had installed 8 years ago was totally worn out and the walls were in need of new paint. We finished up last night around 9:00 and then I gave the kitchen floor a quick scrubbing before calling it quits. My house was a mess with furniture sitting at odd places and dirt, dirt and more dirt. The dirt bothered me but as soon as I cleaned it up we made a mess once again so I finally resigned myself to the fact that this is how things will be for awhile.

I will post pictures of the finished project later on.

Tristan brought the 2014 yearbooks home on Friday. All three children were soon engrossed in them. The pictures make school look like so much fun, I almost wish I could go with them!

Bradens Skidloader and "digger" are among his favorite toys. He takes them to and from TAP. Dean gave him a few  leftover scraps from the new floor in the family room. The "boards" are made to slide together. Braden put his scrap pieces together and said, "This is like my wall of control," he then slid them apart and said, "This is like when I open the door to my heart and let love come in." He wants a relationship but is terrified to let go of the control that kept him safe in his early years. Miss Sharon told us to keep reminding him that he is safe and mom and dad will continue to keep him safe. That reminder will often be all he needs to drop his need to be in control. Other times we mentally walk him through a situation that he is trying to control by asking questions such as: what is the worst thing that can happen if you let go of your control? Are mom and dad keeping you safe? Our reward is a big smile, a hug and the huge look of relief he gets.

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Tell It To Me Tuesdays


  1. Hope Tristan does well with the braces. They are painful at first. Two of our kids are in the process of having braces put on.

  2. Love the update! Josiah is about ready to get his braces off so we're at the other end with him...of course, there are more to come with other kids...


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