
Monday, June 22, 2015

Happy Father's Day


My Three "men" and Kobi, who refused to move.

Our children are too young to realize what a blessing their Daddy is. They love him but they cannot fully appreciate all the hours he put's into building relationships with them and showing them how to live godly lives. I am thankful that God blessed us with a loving, faithful husband and  Daddy who truly cares about us.

Lia giving her "bestest daddy" a kiss.

Joseph made Dean a card for Fathers Day. He wrote all the usual I love you's and then added, I even like every kind of tractor. He said, "That will make dad feel good." 

Dean likes to point out the Case tractor's to Tristan because Tristan is a John Deere fan. Joseph has a difficult time deciding where to place his loyalties, with Dad or his big brother and uncles whom he admires. Joseph tends to side with Tristan on the matter. So when Joseph was trying to think of something to write that would make his daddy feel special, he couldn't think of anything better than, "I even like every kind of tractor!" 

While we celebrated Father's Day my mind went to those families who long to join in the celebration but cannot due to various circumstances. Let's remember to pray for them.

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