
Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I am enjoying a relaxing day, thanks to family and friends who go out of their way to bless us. Yesterday I took Braden back to TAP. He was home a day longer than usual and the visit was a success! Braden has one more home visit then he will be home to stay with short visits at TAP. Anyway, both grandma's babysat and both sent food along home. Dean and the children ate at his parents place because I got home later than planned due to traffic. My friend Melissa, brought our supper (which we will enjoy tonight) AND did my laundry and some cleaning! When I called Dean to tell him I left TAP and was on my way home he told me someone called and asked if he thinks I would mind if they did some work around my house. He told them to go for it. I was bursting to know who it was, all the while visually trying to think what each room looked like. I had purposely made sure the kitchen and family room looked presentable cause I knew Melissa planned to drop off some food. So much for trying to make a good impression! Honestly though, I felt so very blessed as I despise coming home to a messy house. To top it all off, Tristan brought another bag of goodies home from school. There were some yummy peanut butter bars included, which go perfect with a cup of coffee.
   Kiana and Joseph are at such an interesting age. They are curious about everything and tend to form opinions on matters they know nothing about. This morning Kiana and I were talking about how mom's take care of their children. She told me she won't have to worry about that cause she is going to be a cowgirl and not have children! On Sunday evening we enjoyed listening to the Hosanna Praise Singers. I was listening intently, when I heard a little whisper, "It must be about midnight!" When I told Joseph what time it was he replied, "Well then it must be at least after bedtime!"
   I read the book, The Invisible String, by: Patrice Karst, to Braden this week end. You can buy the book on Amazon and I highly recommend it if you have children with attachment difficulties. The book is about two children who were scared during a storm and their mom explained that there is an invisible string that goes from her heart to theirs, whenever she thinks of them it tugs on their heart. The string can go anywhere and since love is stronger than mad, it stays connected even when they are angry with one another. I was trying to think of a visual example to use to show my love for Braden. I whispered a quick prayer and God gave me this idea: I cut a heart out of pink paper and had Braden write down the things he enjoys doing with me, then I cut a smaller heart out of the center of the big heart and covered it with book tape. Now my heart is not complete without his heart. He was so happy!

Our hens have begun to lay eggs again. The children found this "baby egg" and wanted me to make it. When I cracked it open it didn't look very edible so the dogs got it instead. The egg is clean, it just has dark markings on it. :)

I have two friends who are UpperCase Living consultants. They are having a fund raiser for another friend of ours who is receiving chemo and radiation. 25% of the sales will be given to help pay for medical bills. Here is the link:  rosehuber.uppercaseliving.net The fundraiser will be in effect until the end of March 2014. Please consider brightening up your home and supporting the fundraiser.

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